Just finished this book, and it is an amazing adventure. It's a wonderful book, I kept having to steal time out to read it. I even had tears in my eyes when I read the last few pages.

In A Summer Mood
8 January, 2002

I'm certainly in a summer mood — shorts and t-shirt, hot days and long evenings, cricket on the radio. I did shave today, but it was a half-weekly, rather than a daily shave. It's hard to get my head around work. I tried last night, but gave up after 15 minutes. I'll give it another shot tomorrow!

We're in a nesting, expansion, maintenance mode right now. We spent the whole day on Monday cleaning the front rooms of the house. I've got half a car full of stuff ready to throw out. The floors are clean and shiny. We're planning on doing the back rooms this weekend — kitchen, living room, bathroom and toilet.

I've spent an hour this evening burning paint off the outside walls of the house. I calculated if I wanted to burn all the paint off, it was about 3 weeks fulltime work! I may look at hiring a student in to do some work. I may not actually attempt to burn it all off. I may still hire a student! As always, I want to do a perfect job, which would involve lots of preparation, but I'm just not sure I've got the time.

I've got a friend coming round in the weekend to start work on the section. We're taking out all the hedges and landscaping/terracing once that's done to make it more useable. There's also an old, decrepit glasshouse there which we'll take out. It'll make the whole backyard a lot better. And we've got a builder starting next week (I hope) to replace the roof, add some french-doors and a small deck, and a few other things around the house.

Oh yes, and all this before the baby's born. Ha!

We saw the Lord of the Rings movie on Sunday night. It was wonderful! I was amazed how well characters and scenery fitted with the pictures I had in my mind from the book. And in some cases the movie was able to give an impression of terror, or size, or gravity that added to what the book had given me. It's just a shame that, a) the movie was so short (3 hours!), and b) we have to wait a year for the next installment. I think we'll be seeing this one again though before then!

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Personal websites arranged by the decade the author was born in.


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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