Why do people dry their hair?
Why do you have a baby in your tummy?
Why do cats have fur?
Why do you use a spoon to eat yoghurt?
Why do walls have corners?
Why does the sun shine?
Where do motorcycles live?

I Am Geek, Here Me Roar
1 January, 2002

Until now, it's been a shitty, boring, frustrating day. The sky has been grey all day, clouds skudding across the sky in the gusting, whining northerly wind. Deb and Matthew have both been ill. I've been feeling a little logie (a Maine expression for poorly!). I've been out of the house precisely twice. Once, in the morning, to get some medicine for Matthew, and again in the afternoon to buy a paper. The house is a mess.

There's a whole lot of reasons I think:

We'd planned to leave Matthew up at the beachhouse with my parents these few days while we were back in Wellington. But at the last minute we decided to bring him back with us, so the few days alone I was looking forward to are gone. Deb said tonight I shouldn't look on him as a burden. I said I do at times (like now), although that's not quite right. It's that he's always a joy, but sometimes it can be too much trying to cope constantly with him around. I said that's why I had wanted to leave him — so we could have a break together before the baby comes.

Except for cleaning the shed out the first day we were back, we haven't done anything we'd planned around the house. We have to pick our way over toys on the floor. We manage washing, but only to pile the clean clothes in a heap on the couch. There's so much still to do.

Since I haven't felt entirely right, I haven't been to the gym. I'm missing some exercise.

Finally, I finished a book today called deadkidsongs by Toby Litt. It's a horrid book. I had, at times, to force myself to read as I felt a growing horror with what was happening. It was well written, and I know the effect meant was planned, and yes, it has made me think, but it's just a horrid book in its lack of compassion.

So all of that combined has just made me irritable and grumpy. I've yelled at Matthew and bitched at Deb. I've moped around and annoyed the cats.

Until a display of my nascent geekdom just now cheered me up! I've got two big thick books on PHP sitting on my bookshelf. Unread books. So, just this afternoon, I made a resolution to learn the language. And I'm proud to say, after trying, screwing up and only then reading the instructions, that I've sucessfully installed Apache web server and PHP4 to my Win200 machine. I'll be so impressed with myself if I actually manage to program something!

Tomorrow will be a better day. I'll go to the gym. We might buy a bookcase so we can store some the books piling out of our other bookcases onto the floor. I'll play with Matthew and kiss Deb.

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Link of the day
The ageless project
Personal websites arranged by the decade the author was born in.


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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