There's still, even on about the 12th read and at 39 years of age, parts of this book that bring tears to my eyes. Mainly concerned with the passing of things and the courage to make choices. It's a wonderful book.

A Weekend With The Cats
30 September, 2001

Debbie and Matthew have been away since Friday with my parents up at their beachhouse. They get back tomorrow. It's been a chance for them to get away, and also for me to do some work. I've missed them a lot, but I've also enjoyed this time to myself — I'm pretty self-sufficient at times.

I've spent a lot of time at the computer working. Another deadline is looming, and the design I've come up with has been a little more complext to implement than I thought. I've read, finishing the Lord of the Rings and reading copious amounts of newspaper. I've listened to lots of music. I've eaten out for brunch both today and yesterday. I've slept early with cats cuddled on the bed. I've watched very little tv. I've feeling rested, almost over the flu.

It's been very good for me to have had this past week off work. Even aside from the fact that I couldn't have worked for most of the week, just having the time at home has been restful. I'm actually, almost, nearly, kind of, looking forward to going back to work tomorrow!

It's 7.30pm on a Sunday evening. I'm sitting here in the small room where our computer is. The heater is on, it's nice and warm and Tess is curled up on the floor next to the heater. I'm listening to Lucinda Williams' Essence on my disc-man. The words and music sooth and float and comfort me as I type. I'm in my 39th year — I turn 40 next year. My life both is and isn't what I might have imagined it to be. I'm trying to beat my demons. I'm loved and more content with my life than I have been for quite a while.

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Link of the day
Michael Moore
Of Roger and me fame


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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