I am in the middle of designing a site where the client wants a rotating globe as an animated gif on the homepage. Among other henious crimes! Do you know how hard it is to find a non-tacky rotated animated globe gif of the world? Very hard. There's whole damn sites devoted to rotating, animated gif globe worlds. Whole sites! And every one ugly.

I should charge a stress fee for having to search through them!

Father's Day
2 September, 2001

It was Father's Day today! My third. Primed by Debbie, Matthew came into our bedroom this morning with my card, and wished me "Happy Father's Day!" The card said I could buy anything I wanted for Father's Day — "a CD, a book etc". I grabbed a pen and changed it to read, "a CD AND a book etc". I don't think Deb has noticed yet.

It's been another lovely spring day. It was warm out, with a light southerly wind. We went down and had brunch at a local cafe which is part of a graden centre. It's quite lovely sitting outside surrounded by all the plants. After that we went round to my parents. Dad was outside painting some railings. Work like that is relaxation for him! I grabbed a paintbrush and spent about an hour helping him finish the railing. It's been a while since I've painted. I'd forgotten that I actually quite enjoy it. you just get in a nice rhythm and work away. I've got a good painting technique after the years spent working as a painter and decorator.

That sort of manual work is something I've let slip over the past few years. It's good to remind myself there's good to be had doing it. Plus it was good to just spend some time outside with Dad. We haven't for quite a while.

I'm feeling better than I have for a long time on a Sunday evening. I'm feeling relaxed is what it is. I'm still on a nice high from the basketball win, and I also feel rested. Not so much physically, but mentally. That's been a rare feeling of late.

This morning when I was lying in bed, I heard Matthew wake up. He stirred a little in bed, then the cat must have walked in, and I heard her start scratching on Matthew's rug. The next thing I heard was Mathew, in a serious voice, saying to the cat, "Hey, you're not allowed to do that. The police will come and tell you off!" The cat, as is the wont of cats, took not a blind bit of notice!

At my parents today, Debbie and my Mum were in the kitchen with Matthew. He was looking at a magazine cover with a picture of a baby on it and said, "I look like that baby." Debbie looked at the baby and said, "Maybe. You were very cute as a baby." He looked at her and said, "Well, I tried." He got most annoyed when Mum and Debbie started laughing — he was serious!

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Link of the day
Animated, rotating globes
Yes, you can still find anything on the internet!


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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