At the moment, and I've been listening on the radio to the first day, the less said the better!

22 November, 2001

So the pumpkin pie is baked and cooling in the fridge. The apple pie is sitting, ready to go in the oven later. I've just baked the bread rolls and the smell of fresh bread drifts through the air. The turkey has just been stuffed, coated with olive oil and salt and pepper and out into the oven. Soon that smell will be throughout the house. It's my first Thanksgiving dinner.

Even the weather has played a part it seems. The last thing you want is a hot, summer's day. Instead it rained all morning and through lunch. A steady, persistent rain, falling straight down, making puddles and small rivers of water down the path. And now it's turned to slight southerly, a little colder, cloud and rain drifting across the harbour and hills.

Deb's talked a lot about making some traditions for us, for our family. I'd like to make Thanksgiving dinner one of them. A dinner with friends each year. Matthew is half American — it's important he grows up knowing that. It's important he knows his whakapapa.

I'm looking forward to this dinner. There'll be laughing and wine and good food and two young kids running around before they fall asleep. It's the start of something for us, and the continuing of a tradition that's stretched on for centuries.

Let me know if you're in Wellington this time next year!

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Link of the day
Collect the whole set of Enduring Freedom cards

The official CIA terrorism buster logo
Two links today. I offer them up without further comment.


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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