11.45pm: Mike goes to bed
3.05am: Matthew wakes up, pads into our room, climbs into our bed
3.20am: After some debate, Debbie gets up and goes to sleep in Matthew's bed
4.52am: Mike woken up by Debbie yelling in her nightmare
4.53am: Mike yells through to Debbie that it's ok, waking Matthew up
4.54am: Mike gets up to go comfort Debbie
4.58am: Matthew calls out. He's peed himself. All over our bed.
4.58am - 5.03am: Mike strips bed, pulls down couch in living room, drags duvet out, carries Matthew out, tries to sleep with Matthew in the living room
5.15am: Mike feeds cats to stop them whining
5.15am - 7.15am: Mike and Matthew toss and turn until the morning light wakes them up!

Mike Goes To The Gym
14 November, 2001

It's raining now, heavy rain that's just drifted in from the south, a grey mist covering the harbour and the sound of rain beating down on the concrete outside my window. Supposedly the forerunner of a late spring cold front. As I sip tea and eat chocolate biscuits, Matthew already in bed, collapsed and tired from the day's exertions,and Debbie catching a later bus home tonight. And it's warm inside as I listen to the rain.

The wind has just hit. Buffeting over the house, whipping up the sea, all grey and white and streaked across with the rain.

So I went to the gym today, my first workout. It's always good when you first start. It's hard work, but you've got that initial enthusiasm and you want to be there working out. What gets hard is after a month or two, when the novelty has gone and it's just plain hard work. Apparently there's a stage after that where it becomes enjoyable again, almost like a release. I haven't been there yet, but I'm told it's there awaiting me! The gym is at the pool, and one of the lifeguards there is someone from the basketball team we beat in the semi-finals this year. Most of their team were pretty good, but this guy had an attitude problem. He's the one who said to me, when it was clear they were going to lose, “Push me again bitch, and I'll rip your face off!” He's seen me there, he was working out as I started today, but neither of has made eye contact yet. I wonder if it's a male thing? Every time I see him I think, “I'm going to come back and kick your ugly fat ass again next year!” I hope every time he sees me he's thinking about how they beat us four times during the regular season only to lose the game that mattered. I'm more competitive than you might think!

Life sans tv goes apace. I'm starting to lose track of the programmes that are currently on. I'm certainly not missing any. Matthew hardly mentions it now. Twice, in this past week, Debbie and I have actually sat down and talked. No, really! In the evening, we've sat at the kitchen table and talked about something or other. Where will this lifestyle change lead us?

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Link of the day
Eugene, the marvelous crooning child
Yes, it's flash, but it's funny! Let the page download fully.


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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