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Life Is A Fitness Test
9 November, 2001

I went and joined a gym today. It's one at the local pool. I saw it the other day when I took Matthew for a swim and thought that I really should get back into exercising. Since basketball season finished, I've done no exercise. So I went today and had my fitness assessment. It pretty much destroyed any lingering illusion I might have had about my fitness. It's quite scientific really, the way they measure your body fat, and calculate your VO2 capacity, and test your flexibility and measure your shape. And then sit down with the figures and sum up the present state of your life in a few sentences, as you sit there and watch as their finger moves across the rows of figures until they stop at those for the age group 40-49, and listen to the words, “on the high side of average for your body fat”, and “we generally like to see this figure a bit more on the negative side”.

And you know, there at that moment, although it's not like you really didn't know, I mean, what could you expect?, you know at that moment that your youth has left you — in fact left you a while ago — and it's now a different stage of life you're in. It's a stage of life where you're health is summed up in a few sentences, and there's warning signs that can now appear, and it's just damned hard work to reach a level of fitness you once took for granted.

All of which, of course, is part of life, and it's not at all like I'm depressed about it, but it is a realisation that I can't take my body for granted. I have before. At near-40 though, you need to start taking care of it a little better.

I go in on Monday again to go through my fitness programme. I do want to get into it. For the past few years I've let my fitness drop away entirely over the summer, and each year it's been harder to get it back again for basketball. It'd be a neat feeling to start a year feeling fit.

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Link of the day
Cocky Aussie cricket supporters will one day get their comeuppance. The law of averages says so!


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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