Listening to:

The Bats
thousands of tiny luminous spheres - a wonderful "greatest hits" album

The Gentle Waves
swangsong for you

How to Waste a Day
14 June, 2001

Mornings are rushed. It's a week from the shortest day of the year, it's cold, it's dark, we're always tired and we can never find things. So it's not the best time of the day for things to happen.

It was about 7.40am. I'd just put Matthew's toast in the toaster. He was sitting up at his chair waiting for it to cook. Debbie was in the shower. Then the electricity went off. No bang, no sparks, just dead. This happens from time to time in our house and it's normally overloading the switchboard and a trip-switch cuts out. I checked that. It was still on. I checked all the fuse wires. Nothing had blown, they were all fine. Matthew was not happy. His toast hadn't cooked. He was following me around telling me that. I was thinking that I didn't know what had happened, but that I wasn't going to be able to find out quickly.

Deb had to get to work. Matthew had to get to his care-giver's. I had to get to work, but the power was more pressing. I drove Matthew to care, Debbie into work and got back home just before 9am. I rang work and said I won't be in until the power was sorted out. I rang the power company. Explained the problem. Mentioned that it could be the fuse on the power pole on the street that had blown. They took my details, said they'd have someone from their line company around just as soon as possible, but that, no, they couldn't tell me what time. I rang up and postponed a meeting I had at 10am.

There's not a lot you can do with the power off, by yourself. You can read, and you can get cold. I lay on the couch under blankets and duvets, with cats curled up around, and read. Some time seemed to pass. I had lunch and some more time passed. Sometime after 1pm I rang the power company back and politely inquired as to when the line company might be here. I mentioned that I understood they couldn't give a specific time, back that some fours hours had passed since I rang. Hmmmmmmmm, they said. We don't appear to have a record of the call you made this morning. That's unusual they said. That's not very good they said. They assured me they'd have someone round just as soon as possible - no later than 3 hours anyway.

I rang work and said I wouldn't be in today. They weren't happy. I had hoped to rearrange my 10am meeting to the afternoon. I rang and rearranged to next Monday afternoon. I cleaned out the, now melting, fridge and freezer. The linesman finally arrived. Yes, he said, it was a blown pole fuse. No, he said, it didn't surprise him my power company had lost the record of my call.

So, finally, about 3pm the power was back on. Just in time to drive back into town and pick up Debbie who had a massive headache and wasn't feeling well at all.

The evening's been good though! This is a 360 degree photo taken at the beach where my parents have a beachouse. It features Matthew, Debbie, our friend Gary, my sister's dog Zoe and assorted tractors and shovels and spades. It is a large file - 300kb - but worth it!

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Link of the day
On Energy - boo, hiss!


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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