Matthew's first friend was Max. The son of his first caregiver. He doesn't see Max anymore, but for quite a while, at night with his bottle of warm milk, he'd want us to tell him a story of Matthew and Max. Many of these stories, which all ended with Matthew and Max going to bed and sleeping(!), took place on "Grandad's" ship - hence the title for the entry.

A Story of Matthew and Georgia and Alex
6 June, 2001

My father and I on the day he retired

It doesn't matter, Matthew, that you didn't get the chance to play on the racing car video game machine at the end of today. There's countless more days ahead in your life where you will be able to play to your heart's content.

You're too young to know, but today was a special day for your grandfather, and the last day he'll where his captain's uniform in command on the bridge of a ship. And one day you'll know how lucky you were to have been there with him on that day, and one day when you have your own grandchildren, you'll know how much it meant to him.

He's been at sea for nearly 50 years - fifty years that must seem, looking back, to have the slow, sonorous, roll of a deep southerly swell booming through Cook Strait. And he's been in his current job for thirty years. Imagine that long as you celebrate your third birthday next week.

It's always been "Grandad's ship" out there, sailing down the harbour, white on a blue sea. And I hope it always will be.

l to r: Matthew, Alex, Georgia

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Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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