Deb: “You know, today I realised that what you said was right.”
Mike (who did not know what she was talking about but nevertheless had been waiting for this moment for 15 years): “YES!!”


It seems to start so young. Matthew already knows that there are boys' games and girls' games, that girls can't be firemen and should be mums, that boys play with thunderbirds and girls play with dumb toys. Although, to prove he's not entirely clear on things, he thought dumb toys were like scary monster toys! There doesn't seem a lot you can do about it. I think it's just a small boy phase he's going through.

More Baby Thoughts
29 January, 2002

Debbie and I went and visited the maternity ward with the midwife today. It was just a familiarity tour, and we looked at the birthing rooms, and the operating theatres, and saw lots of pregnant women wandering around. And suddenly everything seems very real! That baby is there and it's going to be coming out sometime very soon.

Deb is not sure about it all. Her feelings about the imminent birth experience are coloured by the one with Matthew. She got a bad strep B infection in the early stages of labour and had to go under general anaesthetic and have an emergency caesarean. And she took a long time to recover from all that. So she's thinking about the birth in those terms. That she'll probably be ill, that she might not see the birth, that she'll take a long time to recover. All of which is unlikely to happen. It's not something you can really think too much about. What will happen will happen. But I do hope it's something we can share together to a greater extent than last time. I hope Deb and I both watch the baby being born and taking its first breath. I hope Deb gets to hold the baby in those first minutes.

I wonder if we're having a boy or a girl? I really don't know. I'm thinking of nights holding a baby in my arms, smelling that warm soft baby smell, feeling the smoothness of their face on mine. Of watching a smile form and a small fist clasp around my finger.

I'm thinking of that first moment when we see our baby.

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Link of the day
The Unst Bus Shelter


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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