Matthew went to pirate-themed birthday party today. He'd got a pirate outfit for Christmas and was dressed early in anticipation, walking around the house in his jeans and striped pirate shirt with the black belt, waving his cutlass and hook, shouting “Ahoy me hearties” to me and the cats.


E-mail Stephanie and/or Di and ask them who won the cricket last night. Go on, it'll be fun!

And The Baby Gets Closer
12 January, 2002

Debbie sits like a man now, slouched back in her seat, her legs spread open wide. She lifts her t-shirt up over her swollen belly, reaching down to caress over it. Her belly-button has been pressed out from the inside so it's almost smooth now.

She's so beautiful.

Her hair is long and shaggy, it hasn't been cut for over 10 months now. It's Maori custom not to cut your hair while pregnant, and, well, it seems kind of appropriate. Her feet are swollen in the mornings.

She's so beautiful.

She sits, for minutes at a time looking at the baby moving in her belly. She motions to me and I watch, then place a hand there (just right there), over the baby, feeling it move beneath the skin, a hand or a foot or a head, with just Debbie's flesh between us.

Our life will change once more in a few weeks time, a shift at once mysterious, natural and irrevocable. Someone new to watch and nurture and care for through the first stages of life. Another being you'd give up your own life for.

Babies and children are proof, if it be needed, that love is not a finite quantity. Your love doesn't dilute itself with use — it grows with practice.

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Link of the day
It was in our browser history for today, what can I say?


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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