Matthew has finally got around to asking about God. He's got a book about Christmas and there's a nativity scene in it. Deb was reading it to him and he asked who ‘Baby Jesus’ was. I think she must have explained some to him, but saved the hard stuff for me. I walked in last night and Deb was like, “ask your Dad”, so he turned to me and asked, “Who's God Dad?”

I did my best, I truly did. I tried to explain the concept of God to him. But my heart wasn't in it. I ended by saying to him, “Look, some people believe in a God, but there is no God. If there was a God, then Steve Waugh would have been given out by that damned umpire!” And I went back to listening to the cricket.

Still No Name For Baby
5 December, 2001

Life goes on without television. I'm drifting out of touch with what's on at the moment. I skip the tv sections in the papers. I don't feel less informed through not watching the tv news! It's done Matthew a lot of good. He's playing a lot more creatively, he doesn't seem to be missing tv at all. I don't know if/when we'll get it back again, but for now it seems good not to have it.

Last Friday was the hottest day of the year. It was the hottest November day anyone can remember. I went up with my Dad to the beachhouse and painted a roof. Twice. With a brush, on my knees, in the heat, painting the roof. Painting can be quite enjoyable — you get into a nice rhythm and work away. Mostly that is. It doesn't apply to roof painting. Roof painting isn't fun. It's uncomfortable. Painting on the hottest day of the year only adds to the misery! We finished about 7.30pm and went to a local pub for a beer and steak meal before driving home. It was good. I can't remember the last time I'd been for a drink and meal like that with my Dad. That and the ride home listening to the cricket on the radio was a nice way to end the day.

It's rained here for three solid days. Drizzling rain, heavy rain, gray sheets of rain drifting across. Not much wind, just gray and rain and mist. Normally I like the rain, but three days is at least one day too many.

We have no idea what to call the baby. We sporadically discuss names, but haven't been able to agree on anything yet. I like Cody Elizabeth for a girl, I have since before Matthew was born. Deb hasn't quite ruled it out of court, but it's close. I kind of like Max for a boy, but that's close to Matt, so may not be a possibility. Boy's names are harder. Especially as a man, because you know the sort of names that just won't work in the real world, or the heated, pressure-filled environment of the school playground. You know the sort of names I'm talking about — the ones your wife thinks are so cute and would be just adorable for a boy to have!
Deb: “Go on, give some examples of those names!”
Mike: “Well, I don't want to offend anyone called Sebastian who might be reading the journal”
Deb: “There's absolutely nothing wrong with the name Sebastian”
Mike: “I rest my case!”

I suspect we're going to have to each come up with 5 names for a boy and and a girl, and compare notes. Anything in common, and that's the name of the baby. Nothing in common and back to the drawing board. We could do something like I pick the girl's name and Deb picks the boy's name, but there's no way either of us trust the other enough to do something like that! Maybe we need to have a focus group session. Me, Deb, Matthew and two cats. That's sure to come up with something good!

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Link of the day
Sarah has another journal!


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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