I took Matthew to a basketball game last night. He remembered the last time we went, and sure enough, the cheerleaders were there again. He kept pestering me through the first half, “When are the ladies starting Daddy, when are the ladies starting?” He was rapt watching the half-time show. We looked over at one stage, and there he was, standing in fornt of his seat, eyes glued to the dancers, waving his arms and hands in copy of the routines they were doing, oblivious to everything else. It's a worry. The boy's not yet four!

Wanna Buy A Condom?
14 April, 2002

We had sex last night. For the first time in such a long while. It felt delicious — there's nothing that feels like it, nothing that heals like it, nothing that makes you feel quite that way about yourself and your lover.

We've got this huge supply of condoms. When you leave hospital after giving birth, they give you a prescription for condoms. And when Debbie went for her six-week check-up a few days ago, the Dr gave her another prescription. So we've got boxes of condoms sitting in the dresser drawer, nestled in under the socks and underpants. I think they'll last us about 10 years. Actually, I'm determined they won't!

Debbie got a haircut pretty soon after giving birth. She'd gone the whole pregnancy without cutting her hair — it's a Maori custom for pregnant women to do that, and it seemed something that fitted. So she cursed and suffered through pregnancy and summer with heavy hair growing longer down around her shoulders, and wisps of fringe blowing across her eyes. but, it meant when she went to get it cut, the hairdresser (also the same one me and Matty go to) had so much more to work with. Deb has now got a seriously sexy haircut, with a red colouring. She's got these little bangs that fall down over the edges of her glasses and the corners of her eyes and make me want to gobble her up — in the nicest possible way.

I'm going on a tramp in two weeks precisely. In fact, at this time in two weeks, I should be tucked inside my sleeping bag in a hut near the top of a mountain. I am not fit for this tramp. I've known we were going for months now, but just haven't been able to get as fit as I wanted to. Still, there's two weeks to go. Never too late. And of course, now being an old man of 40, I've got some excuse for a slow pace! It's going to be a great time. There's four of us going - Bill who I've tramped with and played basketball with and known for many years, Michael who I've worked with over the past two years, and Gary who is Joshua's godfather. We're going for five days and four nights. Can you tell I'm looking forward to it?

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Link of the day
Kime Hut
This is the hut we'll be staying at on the first night of our tramp. I don't expect there'll be any snow though!


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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